Governor Jerry Brown made California the fourth state in the US on Monday to allow physician assisted dying. Yes, only the fourth, and it's disappointing that the numbers (or the lack of) overshadow the real achievement. Everyone has the right to live, and everyone should have the right to die. Of course life is sacred, but the opponents of this law must not seriously think that California's true intentions are to have a genocide. They simply just want to help those people who have no hope of a cure, and are suffering. That's it, there is no story here, Everyone is allowed to make their decisions about their life and body. If you can go and get an abortion from a professional, you should also be able to go to your doctor to die. They are there to help you and to lessen your pain. In any way possible. Of course we support that background checks must take place, and several doctors (including psychologists) should sign off before you are allowed to die. You sho...
It’s a bit of a long shot, but Jay-Z’s latest announcement is certainly leading the music industry in the direction of the death of Spotify. On March 30, Jay-Z along with 15 other musical icons, such as Madonna, Kanye West, Coldplay and Rihanna announced Tidal’s plans to take over the world. The world of music, that is. On top of all of this, Tidal continues to make headlines as last week, Beyonce shared a surprise song ‘Die With Me’ on the streaming site, to mark her and Jay-Z’s seventh wedding anniversary. Have you heard of Tidal yet? If not, it’s probably because you’ve been listening to your free music on Spotify instead. How dare you! Shame on you! At least, that is what Jay-Z wants you to believe. Tidal is a subscription-based service, which allows you to stream songs and music videos on your devices. What’s new about that? Probably the fact that it offers a better sound quality than Spotify and has the backing of some of the biggest stars in ...