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Showing posts from June, 2015

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California just made a huge positive step in Healthcare

Governor Jerry Brown made California the fourth state in the US on Monday to allow physician assisted dying. Yes, only the fourth, and it's disappointing that the numbers (or the lack of) overshadow the real achievement. Everyone has the right to live, and everyone should have the right to die. Of course life is sacred, but the opponents of this law must not seriously think that California's true intentions are to have a genocide. They simply just want to help those people who have no hope of a cure, and are suffering. That's it, there is no story here, Everyone is allowed to make their decisions about their life and body. If you can go and get an abortion from a professional, you should also be able to go to your doctor to die. They are there to help you and to lessen your pain. In any way possible. Of course we support that background checks must take place, and several doctors (including psychologists) should sign off before you are allowed to die. You sho...

The Week that Changed America

The past week has seen some grand happenings that shifted American society into a new direction. Earlier this week, the nation and the world was still shocked about the horrible news coming out of South Carolina. It seemed like it will be another bad week for Obama, under whom racial tensions in the US have became the most tense since the Civil War. It is hardly what America's first African American President hoped to achieve. In fact it is quite ironic. However, tides soon turned towards his favour. The nation mourned together, and focus shifted on gun laws. While it would be irrational to ban guns all together, much tougher laws and regulations are certainly needed to end tragedies like this. If things continue to go this way America will slowly defeat itself over the racial divide. Nobody wants that. Even many Republicans, such as Mitt Romney, and several GOP candidates have suggested tighter gun regulations. More over, they supported the removal of t...

Special Report from Amsterdam: anti-Semitism in 21st Century Europe

Walking around the picturesque canals of Amsterdam, one can see the modern side of this beautiful European city. However, the Dutch Capital is full of history, and is home to one of the darkest stories of all. Anne Frank. Anne Frank is someone that the modern generation is sadly often less and less familiar with. Or what is even worse, they chose to be ignorant about it. Amsterdam is perhaps one of the most multicultural cities in the world, and is full of people who were born outside of the Netherlands. In fact, about a third of the city's population today is foreign born. The city also has a very large Muslim population, compared to the 2% who consider themselves Jewish.  And we all are familiar with the tensions among the two religious groups. The situation really is worrying, and there is no clear solution. Society and humans should be embarrassed that only 70 years after the Nazis, we are returning to a similar s...

Le Pen's triumphal day

Marine Le Pen, the popular leader of France’s far right party, Front National, has announced the formation of a new bloc in the European Parliament on Tuesday. The group, called Europe of Nations and Freedoms, will provide a bigger voice and power for the French leader, who is widely seen as the face of new politics in Europe. Together, the Eurosceptic, anti-Immigration parties will be eligible for more funding and time on the debate floor. It should certainly spice up things even more in the continent. Le Pen formed this group in last May after her party won the EU elections in France, but at the time was unable to collect enough support from other European countries. This is what has changed now. She was now able to gain more than enough support from groups such as Italy’s Lega Nord, and Geert Wilders’ Dutch Party for Freedom. She also has support from Austria, Poland, Belgium and Janice Atkinson from the UK. One notable missing party is Nigel Farage’s UKI...

Hillary has got it all

It seems like that at least. She learnt a lot from her mistakes in 2008, and she is now avoiding them big time. Former Secretary of State/Senator/First Lady Hillary Clinton has held her first major campaign event in New York City, 2 months after announcing her much anticipated second run to  be the key holder of the White House. So far she has been lying low, and keeping to herself and to a few voters in the 4 states that will vote first. She only made townhouse visits and rarely gave interviews. She is controlling her representation in the media. But now as the Republican race is heating up and the Democratic field is slowly expanding, she has switched into top gear. Hillary enlisted pop stars Katy Perry and Mariah Carey, and recently joined Instagram, Snapchat and released her own Spotify playlist. She is campaigning to her millions of followers on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube in both English and Spanish, and sends out text-messages to those who signed up. Her Social M...

Immigration is shaking up the politics of Europe

Migrant crisis in the Mediterranean. Refugees streaming in from Syria and Iraq. Eastern European workers in the Western member states. These are the forms of Immigration that are currently transforming the political landscape of the EU. The National Front is rising in France, UKIP in the UK, Jobbik in Hungary, Lega Nord in Italy and the Freedom Party in Holland. Brussels is stuck, and there doesn't seem to be a right way out of this mess for them. Every week, thousands of Africans are rescued from the Mediterranean Sea, as their little, and unsafe boats capsize and face imminent death. The Europeans are trying to rescue them out of their goodwill and human compassion, but they just generate more problems for them. Italy can't handle tens of thousands of immigrants each month, and the EU has no facilities either. These migrants are living in horrible conditions, and there is no hope for them. Similarly, thousands of illegal immigrants are trying to enter the ...

Blatter’s Fall: Was he caught up between America and Russia?

After dramatic events and revelations that are only seen in movies, Sepp Blatter has resigned as the head of football’s governing body, FIFA, after a 17 year old lengthy period. While Blatter spread the love of football around the world, helped developing countries to improve their facilities and brought the World Cup to Africa for the first time, his legacy will always be overshadowed by the various corruption scandals. Yes, there is more than one scandal, it didn’t all just start last week with the arrest of several top ranking FIFA officials. Recent revelations show that the organization has been fraud for decades which only back up accusations of briberies for all the recent elections, and the right to organize most FIFA events, at least in the past 25 years. Every time Blatter won, he stood up on the podium and said that change is coming. It never came, yet he was always trusted with the job on and on again. Blatter’s main support originates from Africa and Asia, who a...