Governor Jerry Brown made California the fourth state in the US on Monday to allow physician assisted dying. Yes, only the fourth, and it's disappointing that the numbers (or the lack of) overshadow the real achievement. Everyone has the right to live, and everyone should have the right to die. Of course life is sacred, but the opponents of this law must not seriously think that California's true intentions are to have a genocide. They simply just want to help those people who have no hope of a cure, and are suffering. That's it, there is no story here, Everyone is allowed to make their decisions about their life and body. If you can go and get an abortion from a professional, you should also be able to go to your doctor to die. They are there to help you and to lessen your pain. In any way possible. Of course we support that background checks must take place, and several doctors (including psychologists) should sign off before you are allowed to die. You sho...
EPA On Friday, the 13th of November, everything was normal in Paris. People were happy that the weekend is here, and went out with friends and loved ones for some dinner and drinks, or for their favorite band's concert or cheered for their home nation as France took on Germany in an International friendly. The same night though, the evil also descended on the French capital and took away 130 souls. It was an absolute tragedy. People have been shocked to their cores. It is with great sadness that we write about this topic. It touched us very deeply too. That is partially why it took us so long to reflect on this issue, the other being the fact that there is still so many new developments surfacing continuously. The whole picture is not clear yet. It may never be. What is perhaps one of the most striking facts about this attack beyond the number of casualties, is the fact that this is the second tragedy in Paris this year alone. It has only been 10 months since gunm...