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Showing posts from July, 2015

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California just made a huge positive step in Healthcare

Governor Jerry Brown made California the fourth state in the US on Monday to allow physician assisted dying. Yes, only the fourth, and it's disappointing that the numbers (or the lack of) overshadow the real achievement. Everyone has the right to live, and everyone should have the right to die. Of course life is sacred, but the opponents of this law must not seriously think that California's true intentions are to have a genocide. They simply just want to help those people who have no hope of a cure, and are suffering. That's it, there is no story here, Everyone is allowed to make their decisions about their life and body. If you can go and get an abortion from a professional, you should also be able to go to your doctor to die. They are there to help you and to lessen your pain. In any way possible. Of course we support that background checks must take place, and several doctors (including psychologists) should sign off before you are allowed to die. You sho...

Special Report from Marbella: The importance of the Mediterranean

As the sun goes down on the shores of Marbella, the wind starts up, and the peaceful Mediterranean turns into a wild beast. Upon seeing this, it is easier to understand how people can drown in it, but is harder to imagine the conditions that drive the less fortunate into crossing this wide body of water. Everyday thousands of people try to cross from Africa into Europe through the sea, but far from everyone makes it. Hundreds of people drown and disappear, and there is not much that is done about it. Which side of the Mediterranean you were born matters a great deal. The people on the African side are leaving everything behind (which is not much) and are setting of to Europe, where they believe that anything is possible and that they will be rich. Marbella is located near the Southern edge of Spain, near Gibraltar. However, it is mostly know for its eloquent lifestyle, and due to how crowded it is with millionaires. Seeing luxury cars and houses is as frequent here as...

Europe's Migrant Crisis

The EU this week has once again failed to solve the migrant crisis, as it was unable to relocate 40,000 of them who have already arrived. In the meantime, thousands more are crossing the borders as more radical measures are proposed across the continent.  Everyday several boats, full of African migrants are trying to reach Southern Italy. Some of them make it, however sadly most of them never make it to the shores. To the East, hundreds of refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan are trying to cross into Greece and Hungary. Most of them make it, but they face tough conditions and an unwelcoming society upon arrival. Of course these migrants/refugees deserve opportunities and a better life for their whole family, but the Europeans can't be blamed either for having enough. The number of migrants trying to reach the EU have increased fivefold since last year, and it is only July. It is a huge burden on the welfare system, and political pressure is mounting up on the leaders...

Clinton trails for the first time

Hillary Clinton has so far always lead the Democratic filed with an incredibly big lead of around 50 percentage points. Even with the surge of Bernie Sanders, she was able to maintain a lead of well over 40 points.  Till now, she hasn't really faced any big problems in the polls except for her trustworthiness, or the lack of it to be more precise. For months now, polls after polls showed that the American people have doubts about her, and most of them just simply don't trust her. Scandals about the Clinton Foundation and the use of private emails during her tenure as the Secretary of State convinced the public that she is hiding big secrets. While Clinton acknowledged these problems in her recent CNN interview, and addressed them, her team wasn't really that worried. But now they have big things to worry about. So far she hasn't only led the Democratic field for the nomination, she also led nationwide polls against all Republican candidates. But that has c...

The Trumpmania continues

Donald Trump has shown no signs of slowing down. In the most recent poll, he leads the Republican Pack with 24% of the support, and is currently the clear frontrunner for the GOP's nomination. Trump has been generating a lot of attention lately with his outrageous comments about the Mexican Immigrants and questioning John McCain's war-hero status. He has received a lot of criticism for his behaviour almost unanimously from everyone, even the Republican Party and most of his fellow GOP candidates.  However, his poll numbers suggest that many people are able to connect with him, as he is completely different than the other candidates, and is not afraid to criticise or say anything. He is also very trusted on the economy, and his firm stance against ISIS. Trump on the other hand is also the leading candidate on the poll that surveyed who people would not vote for under any circumstance, and that is not a good sign for him. Candidates such as George Pataki, Lindsey...

It's a Make-or-Break for Greece

Greece will decide it's future tomorrow. Citizens will be heading to the polling booths to vote in a referendum on the bailout of the economy. It will be the first referendum in the country in four decades, but even without it, the stakes are high. Very high. New Government. IMF negotiations. Euro. Grexit. And many more... Tensions are high on the streets as both the Yes and No campaigns are holding mass rallies and are trying to convince people to chose their sides. A Yes vote is widely seen as a yes to Europe and to continued negotiations, while a No vote will bring serious changes to the country. For the past few days, the Greek people have been limited to 60 Euros per person from the ATM's, and many people are worried that their savings will be lost. The banks are worried too, because they predict that they will run out of money by monday. There have also been reports of violence and looting across the capital, as people are trying to salvage...

The GOP Outsiders

No, we are not talking about Hillary or Jeb here. They can by no means be called outsiders. They are the frontrunners and are expected to face off in November 2016. However, the road will be long and rugged, and a lot can happen. After looking at the Democratic candidates, in part 2 we will be taking a look at the candidates for the Republican ticket. And oh boy, there are a lot of them. Some silly ones too, but mostly real politicians, who have a chance, even if that is a veery slim one.  Governor Chris Christie. Christie just announced in the last couple of days, but he has been polling very well for the last couple of years. Even though Bridgegate has hurt his political momentum, the outspoken New Jersey Governor is perhaps the biggest challenger to Jeb Bush at this stage of the race. Christie is proud of his economic record and disaster control, and is more liberal than most of his contenders on issues such as immigration and same-sex marriage....

The Democratic Outsiders

No, we are not talking about Hillary or Jeb here. They can by no means be called outsiders. They are the frontrunners and are expected to face off in November 2016. However, the road will be long and rugged, and a lot can happen. Let's start with the Democrats, because the list is shorter. A lot shorter. Sanders, Biden, O'Malley, Chafee and Webb.  Bernie Sanders. Well. A year ago no one has even heard of the 73 year old Vermont senator in Mainstream politics. Now, he is drawing a crowd of 10,000 in the backyard of Wisconsin's Governor Walker. It is a remarkable feat, and he is growing steadily in the polls, closing that gap on Hillary. By now Sanders has become a major contender who will give Mrs. Clinton a fight for her money, and could cause big upsets. The Democratic Socialist is appealing to the most liberal democrats with his social messages and taxes on the rich, raising the minimum wage and decreasing inequality. Hillary watch out. Chafee,...