Governor Jerry Brown made California the fourth state in the US on Monday to allow physician assisted dying. Yes, only the fourth, and it's disappointing that the numbers (or the lack of) overshadow the real achievement. Everyone has the right to live, and everyone should have the right to die. Of course life is sacred, but the opponents of this law must not seriously think that California's true intentions are to have a genocide. They simply just want to help those people who have no hope of a cure, and are suffering. That's it, there is no story here, Everyone is allowed to make their decisions about their life and body. If you can go and get an abortion from a professional, you should also be able to go to your doctor to die. They are there to help you and to lessen your pain. In any way possible. Of course we support that background checks must take place, and several doctors (including psychologists) should sign off before you are allowed to die. You sho...
Politico |
Hillary Clinton ran her victory lap last night in South Carolina. No one expected her to loose there, and she didn't. Her African-American support base showed up, and she won decisively. It was her New Hampshire. But because Bernie wasn't expected to win there, it doesn't really hurt him. However, the size of the win is even beyond the predicted.But it's not like his civil rights record and arrest from the 60's doesn't prove that he too is for the African Americans. They both are. Now we move on to Super Tuesday. That will decide a lot for both the Democrats and Republicans.
The 48 point win though still underscores Sanders' troubles going into March. Clinton now has a strong advantage in the South, and that will give her a lot of delegates. Especially Texas. Sanders may win some of the northern states. But he certainly is in big trouble. Hillary is doing very well with the minorities for some reason. But she can't forget about the White vote either. Not that would be very unfortunate for her. But is Sanders over? He may be... The first part of March will be very tough for him, but the later schedule favors him. But can he get there?
Something else magical also happened last night. Hillary Clinton's victory speech. We were shocked. We haven't seen her be so passionate and loving in months, if not years. She was so likeable that she reminded us why we used to love her. We still love her, but not as much as Bernie. It was lovely to watch and see.
And while she did still insert some digs at Bernie, the speech was full of references to Trump. Has she pivoted to the general election too now? Trump vs. Hillary? We cannot wait to see this! Literally, it is going to be an epic fight. But it is still not 100%. Just 90%. But we'll take it.
Something else magical also happened last night. Hillary Clinton's victory speech. We were shocked. We haven't seen her be so passionate and loving in months, if not years. She was so likeable that she reminded us why we used to love her. We still love her, but not as much as Bernie. It was lovely to watch and see.
And while she did still insert some digs at Bernie, the speech was full of references to Trump. Has she pivoted to the general election too now? Trump vs. Hillary? We cannot wait to see this! Literally, it is going to be an epic fight. But it is still not 100%. Just 90%. But we'll take it.
In the meanwhile, the Republicans too are getting ready for March 1st. They are campaigning all across the country, and just had their latest debate, this time in Houston, Texas.
Rubio had an amazing night. His best night. He was strong, articulate and sensible. He kept attacking Trump relentlessly, and succeeded more or less. Certainly more than Jeb has. This time Cruz joined in as well, and attacked Trump too. It was nice to see. Trump, didn't hold back either though, so it is unclear to tell who won.
Rubio had an amazing night. His best night. He was strong, articulate and sensible. He kept attacking Trump relentlessly, and succeeded more or less. Certainly more than Jeb has. This time Cruz joined in as well, and attacked Trump too. It was nice to see. Trump, didn't hold back either though, so it is unclear to tell who won.
Cruz and Rubio though should have started attacking Trump earlier. A lot earlier. But we do believe that there is still a chance to beat him. Even if he slays the March 1st primaries. And right now he has every chance of doing so. Chris Christie just endorsed him too in a shocking turn of events. Where is this party going? No one knows. The events are so surreal and unorthodox, that it may actually pay off for them in November. To put it simply, no one has any idea what is going to happen.
And what about Trump's tax return? Please just release it already sir. This is a bad excuse. Rubio and Cruz just released his, so should you. Mitt Romney is right about this too!
But what is Christie thinking? Does he just see the inevitable Trump win and wants to get a cabinet position? Maybe. Or maybe he does actually like him. No one knows. But people should stop bashing for supporting Trump now, after months of attacks. Everyone one attacks everyone. Do you think Hillary didn't attack Obama? This is politics. Everyone will eventually support their enemy, just to defeat the other party. Even if that enemy is Trump. Get over it.
And what about Trump's tax return? Please just release it already sir. This is a bad excuse. Rubio and Cruz just released his, so should you. Mitt Romney is right about this too!
AP Photo |
Sorry, but Kasich and Carson need to drop out of the race for better or for worse. Trump will get some of their vote too, but most of them will either go to Rubio and Cruz. At this point, all they are doing is making sure that Trump will be the nominee. And surely that is not their goal. But everyone has huge egos and dreams. Clearly.
The full results from last night:
This is an original material of Finchley 1959.
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