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California just made a huge positive step in Healthcare

Governor Jerry Brown made California the fourth state in the US on Monday to allow physician assisted dying. Yes, only the fourth, and it's disappointing that the numbers (or the lack of) overshadow the real achievement. Everyone has the right to live, and everyone should have the right to die. Of course life is sacred, but the opponents of this law must not seriously think that California's true intentions are to have a genocide. They simply just want to help those people who have no hope of a cure, and are suffering. That's it, there is no story here, Everyone is allowed to make their decisions about their life and body. If you can go and get an abortion from a professional, you should also be able to go to your doctor to die. They are there to help you and to lessen your pain. In any way possible. Of course we support that background checks must take place, and several doctors (including psychologists) should sign off before you are allowed to die. You sho

Trump pulls it off again

AP Photo
2016 Republican Presidential candidate, and frontrunner (by a lot, as he would say), Donald Trump had a great night last night. He held a huge rally at Iowa's Drake University, as he comfortably awaits the next ten days where he has every chance to win the first two states that are voting: Iowa and New Hampshire. Oh, that's right. There was also a GOP Debate going on at the same time, accordingly without Mr. Trump. Everyone was calling Trump out for being scared of Megyn Kelly. Not True. For risking his future as he is neck-and-neck with Ted Cruz. Not True. Trump simply had a problem with the moderators, so he decided to stay away. Rand Paul did the same thing for the last debate, when he had a problem with the criteria. And it looked like Paul made a good choice then, but Trump seems to have made an even better one this time around.

People should really be used to this by now. If you disagree with Trump, it means that he is doing the right thing, while also riding in the polls. It's just the way it is nowadays.

Now the debate. Well it was Ted Cruz vs. everyone. And he failed. By a lot (as Trump would say). Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush and Chris Christie had a great night. They gave senseful answers and the crowd loved them. And their jokes too. Although Christie needs to work on answering the question being asked. Not attacking Hillary Clinton straight away. Everyone does it, but they also answer the question too. The so called "establishment" candidates knocked it out of the park, and Ted Cruz just looked confused. Sorry. Hopefully it will be enough for a late surge, at least in New Hampshire? Rand Paul also had a decent night by the way. Sorry Ben Carson and John Kasich.

Iowa already seems lost to Trump. Cruz didn't do enough to gain back his momentum. He will still come in second place though probably. 

As we are used to it now, there was also a second tier debate. As usual, Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee attended it. And as usual, Carly Fiorina once again came out in first. Now that woman can debate! Although it is unlikely that any of these candidates will have a big say in Iowa, and at most just a little say in New Hampshire. That is if they will still be around for it. Carly should be though!

Oh, and Jim Gilmore was there too last night for only the second time! Who? That's right. Don't even bother to learn his face or name.

There were two very important policy results of the debate though. The candidates acknowledged the fact that they won't be able to jus repeal laws on the first day or tear up International agreements. That is just not the way real life works. Especially Obamacare and the Iran deal. Which is also our second point about last night. It is clearly not a perfect deal. We know it, Obama knows it, everyone knows it. But we still support it, and we would be very disappointed if someone actually pulls out of it. We disagree with even Marco Rubio on this one. That agreement is instrumental in creating a safer environment not just for now, but for a sustainable future too.

Although Obama really shouldn't allow John Kerry going around and saying that some of the money will go to terrorists. Even if it is true, which sadly but probably is, you just can't say that. Kerry just jeopardized the whole thing with the American people. The one thing that Hillary was actually proud of. Poor Hillary, her bad week (months) just continue.

Portland Press Herald
While the debate went down in Des Moines, Donald Trump held a fundraiser for Veterans at Drake University. He claimed to have raised 5 million dollars. And probably some new votes too. He is a smart man. Although if we were Fox News, we wouldn't have paid to charities either, just to have him on the debate stage. The debate was still circled around him, as he got dozens of mentions and the most new twitter followers too. As usual. He probably did well in the polls too. But putting all things aside, it was very nice of Mr. Trump to raise all this money for the Veterans, who have clearly been neglected in the past years. Unfortunately we might add. And even the Democrats would agree with this. But in overall Trump had a great rally. The crowd cheered like never before, and even some of the media agreed that he pulled it off. And they hate him like no one.

Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum joined in on the fun as well, after their debate ended. Although they just looked like puppets who pretty much all but endorsed Trump with this move. They certainly have become laughing stocks now, if they weren't already. You decide. They tried to cash in on Trump's popularity and gain some free media, which they desperately need. It's not a bad idea if you think about it, but you should also have the right intentions, and not use the Veterans for it. That part is shameful. But of course anything for those optics and photo ops with the frontrunner. 

Although we would be surprised if they are still in the race, next week this time. So what is it even for anymore?

This is an original material of Finchley 1959.


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